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The Farmer



A farmer as know an agriculturer. Farmer engaged in agriculture. an organism for raw material and food. a farmer is work as labourer on owned by others but economies advanced to farmer. The farmer is mostly use owner farm.. Employee of farm and called farm worker.

Farmer Suicides in india

Farmer Suicides

National Crime Record Bureau of India the search to "5,650" farmer suicides in 2014 and highest record of farmer suicides in 2004 when 18,241 farmer are committed to suicides.  Farmer suicides rate between 1.4 to 1.8 per 100,000 total population in india.

In india around 60% people depending to directly of indirectly upon agriculture. Suicides account of farmer for 11.2% suicides in india. Many reason to suicide farmer like reason of high debt burden , monsoon failure , Government policies , genetically modified crops , personal issues , family problem and  public mental health there are many reason to farmer suicides.

Reason For The Suicides Of Farmer In India

This ratio of farmer suicides in india based on 2002 research.

  •  Failure of bore well                              -    0.88 %
  • Losses in non-farm activities                  -  1.77 %
  • Borrowing too much                             -  2.65 %
  • Debt burden                                         -  2.65 % 
  • Price Crash                                          -  2.65 %
  • Property disputes                                 -   2.65 %
  • Political Affiliation                                -  4.42 %
  • Marriage Of Daughters                        -  5.31 &
  • Chronic Illness                                      -   9.73 %
  • Family Problem With Spouse , Others   -  13.27 %
  • Others Reasons (Chit funds)                 -  15.04 %
  • Failure Of Crops                                  -   16.81 %

Research for farmer suicides In india including drought , floods , use genetically modified seed , public health , debt and economic policies of government. Study in 2014  to find that three special high risk of farmer with characteristics associated . Those with margianl farm of less than one hectare and debt of 300 rupees or more in study found highlight this common had also account for almost 75 % farmer suicides.

In 2012 study found to expressed reason in order of importance behind suicide of farmer were debt , crop failure , private money lenders , alcohol , addiction , stress , family responsibilities , poor irrigation , apathy , low product price , environment  , increased cost of cultivation , use of chemical fertilizers.

Indebtedness 87% and status of economic is 74% to major risk factors for suicides found in research 2006 and this reason same region.

AgriMarket Mobile App and Crop Insurance Mobile App for Farmer

Agri Market

Earlier  Two mobile application launched by Indian Government for show information related to crop. Farmer get information related to prices of crop within 50km of own device location using "AgriMarket" application and automatically captures the location of farmer using this application. This mobile app. available in Hindi or English language.

Agriculture Award In 2015

In india farm and drive prosperity amongst farmer because at mahindra that agri-prosperity of mahindra samriddhi is committed to enhance agri productivity is key to strengthening the nation is growth on socio-economic map and with Zee News is platform that will recognize.

Top ten Country of farmer 

Country Name
% of Workforce
 Burkina Faso
 Guinea Bissau

Summery :

A farmer is know as Agriculture and some country is dependent on agriculture like a Bhutal, Nepal, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Niger and more. Some farmer suicide because problem of failure of bore well, losses in non-farm activities and more. In India make mobile app for farmer like "AgriMarket" mobile app and "Crop Insurance" mobile app.


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